Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Too many places...

Having returned from a whirlwind trip to NYC, I started to wonder....where are the men in DC?
Let me rephrase that, where are the attractive men in DC?

In NYC, nearly every bar, restaurant, shop and street corner seemed to be teaming with hot men. I realize the sheer number of people in NYC contributes to this fantastic phenomenon, but I do recall a few years back having a better situation in DC. Granted, back then there were less places to go.

You had Local 16, Chi-Cha, ESL, Russia House and then the newcomers (not so new anymore) Wonderland, Marvin, Napoleon. I think that's it, there are TOO many places to go in this city...errrr district. NYC is the five fingered hand, DC is the thumb, and barely at that. I didn't even mention the hotel bars, they're sprouting up faster then a chia pet!

If you have some locations that regularly house the attractive-opposite-sex, I am all ears. Women have been eye candy for so many years, don't feel bad about wanting the same ladies!

By the way, non-man-man has texted - NOT called - once again! Actually twice...on the way home from NYC to let me know that he was going to call me Sunday night. "Was" as in never did. I actually forgot (he's so off my radar) until I received another text this afternoon, informing me that he was out of town until later this week and he misses me. Really? Misses me, having known me for 3 short dates? Misses me enough to not call me or make plans to rendez-vous? Please. What he's missing is a set of balls. Seriously.
Next up, my foray into the online dating world.....

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